Wilson, Scott
Adjunct Professor
Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences
3004 Forest Sciences Centre
2424 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC, V6T1Z4
work phone: 604-813-2352
Research Areas:
BiodiversityConservationEcologyLand-use ChangeOrnithologyPopulation DemographyWildlife ManagementResearch Areas:
- Conservation of migratory species across the annual cycle
- Impacts of land-use and climate change on species at macro-ecological scales
- Impacts of agricultural practices on biodiversity
- Development and application of demographic and population models
Use of Integrated Population Models to identify limiting stages of the annual cycle for migratory Species-at-Risk
Benefits of shade coffee agriculture for overwintering migratory birds in the Colombian Andes
Ecological predictors of sensitivity to habitat modification for migratory species during breeding and nonbreeding periods of the annual cycle
Using citizen science to identify priority areas for the conservation of threatened migratory and resident vertebrates in Latin America
Characteristics of farm landscapes that support bird, bat and amphibian diversity in agroecosystems of eastern Canada
How oceanic climate impacts marine bird diversity along the Pacific coast at multiple temporal scales
Impacts of urban and agricultural landscapes on the prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in avian and mammalian taxa
Recent Publications
Wilson, S., Lin, H-Y., Schuster, R., González, A.M., Gómez, C., Botero-Degadillo, E., Bayly, N.J., Bennett, J.R., Rodewald, A.D., Roerhdanz, P., Ruiz Gutierrez, V. (2021). Opportunities for the conservation of migratory birds to benefit threatened resident vertebrates in the New World Tropics Journal of Applied Ecology
Céspedes-Arias, L.N., S. Wilson, and N.J. Bayly. (2021). Community modeling reveals the importance of elevation and land cover in shaping migratory bird abundance in the Andes Ecological Applications
Wilson, A.G., S. Wilson, N. Alavi, and D.R. Lapen (2021). Human density is associated with the increased prevalence of a generalist zoonotic parasite in mammalian wildlife Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Qiao, Z., G.W. Mitchell, M. Cadman, J. Kusack, D. Evans, K. Bumelis, K.A. Hobson, M.D. Weegman, A. Salvadori, and S. Wilson (2021). Integrating regional and site-level data to address drivers of population decline in a threatened aerial insectivorous bird Biological Conservation
González, A.M., N. J. Bayly, S. Wilson and K.A. Hobson. (2021). Shade coffee or native forest? Indicators of winter habitat quality for a long-distance migratory bird in the Colombian Andes Ecological Indicators 131, 108115
English, S.G., C.A. Bishop, S. Wilson, and A.C. Smith (2021). Current contrasting population trends among North American hummingbirds Scientific Reports 11, 18369
Scridel, D., M. Brambilla, D.R. de Zwaan, N. Froese, S. Wilson, P. Pedrini, and K. Martin. (2021). A genus at risk: Predicted current and future distribution of all three Lagopus species reveals sensitivity to climate change and efficacy of protected areas Diversity and Distributions 27, 1759-1774
Vincent, J.G., R. Schuster, S. Wilson, D. Fink, and J.R. Bennett. (2021). Clustering community science data to infer migratory connectivity for songbirds in the Western Hemisphere Ecoscience
Martin, K., T.A. Altimirano, D.R. deZwaan, K.G. Hick, A. Vanderpaas, and S. Wilson. (2021). Avian ecology and community structure across elevational gradients: The importance of high latitude temperate mountain habitats for conserving biodiversity in the Americas Global Ecology and Conservation 30, e01799
McKellar, A.E., S.E. Simpson, and S. Wilson. (2021). Abundance, population trends and negative associations with lake water levels for six colonial waterbird species over five decades in southern Manitoba Avian Conservation and Ecology 16(1): 7
Drake, A., D.R. deZwaan, T. A. Altimarano, S. Wilson, K. Hick, C. Bravo, J.T. Ibarra, and K. Martin. (2021). Combining point counts and autonomous recording units improves avian survey efficacy across elevational gradients on two continents Ecology and Evolution 11, 8654-8662
González, A., S. Wilson, N. Bayly and K.A. Hobson. (2020). On the value of shade coffee agriculture in the Colombian Andes: Contrasting overwinter body mass and annual survival of a threatened migratory bird Condor: Ornithological Applications 122, 1-12
Wilson, S., N. Alavi, D. Pouliot, and G.W. Mitchell. (2020). Similarity between agricultural and natural land covers shapes how biodiversity responds to agricultural expansion at landscape scales Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 301, 107052
Hsien-Yung L., R. Schuster, S. Wilson, S.J. Cooke, A.D. Rodewald, and J.R. Bennett. (2020). Integrating season-specific needs of migratory and resident birds in conservation planning Biological Conservation 252,108826
Wilson, A.G., D.R. Lapen, G.W. Mitchell, J.F. Provencher, and S. Wilson. (2020). Interaction of diet and habitat predicts Toxoplasma gondii infection in wild birds at a global scale Global Ecology and Biogeography 29, 1189-1198
Hobson, K. A., and S. Wilson. 2020. The avian conservation crisis, Canada’s international record, and the need for a new path forward Avian Conservation and Ecology 15, 22
Vala, M.A. G.W. Mitchell, K.C. Hannah,J.E. Put, and S. Wilson. (2020). The effects of landscape composition and configuration on Eastern Whip-poor-will (Caprimulgus vociferous) and Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) occupancy in an agroecosystem. Avian Conservation and Ecology 15(1), 24
Cano N, N.J. Bayly, and S. Wilson. (2020). Is there more than one way to cross the Caribbean Sea? Migratory strategies of Nearctic-Neotropical landbirds departing from Northern Colombia Journal of Avian Biology 51, e02394
Altamirano, T., D.R. DeZwaan, J.T. Ibarra, S. Wilson, and K. Martin. (2020). Treeline ecotones shape the distribution of avian species richness and functional diversity in south temperate mountains Scientific Reports 10, 18428
Weegman, M., S. Wilson, Q. Zhao, R. Alisauskas, and D.K. Kellett. (2020). Assessing bias in demographic estimates from joint live and dead encounter models Peer J. 8, e9382
Wilson, S., R. Schuster, J.R. Bennett, A.D. Rodewald, A.C. Smith, F.A. LaSorte, P.H. Verburg, and P. Arcese. (2019). Prioritize diversity or declining species? Tradeoffs and synergies in spatial planning for the conservation of migratory birds in the face of land cover change Biological Conservation 239, 108285
Schuster, R., S. Wilson, A.D. Rodewald, P. Arcese, D. Fink, T. Auer, and J.R. Bennett. (2019). Optimizing the conservation of migratory species over their full annual cycle Nature Communications 10, 1754
Endenburg, S., G. Mitchell, P. Kirby, J. Pasher, L. Fahrig, and S. Wilson. (2019). The homogenizing influence of agriculture on forest bird communities Landscape Ecology 34, 2385-2399
Farrell, C.E., L. Fahrig, G. Mitchell, and S. Wilson. (2019). Local habitat association does not inform landscape management of threatened birds Landscape Ecology 34, 1313-1327
de Zwaan, D.R., S. Wilson, E. Gow, and K. Martin. (2019). Sex-specific spatiotemporal variation and carry-over effects in a migratory alpine songbird Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7, 1-12
Gow, E.A., P. Arcese, D. Dagenais, R.J. Sardell, S. Wilson, and J.M. Reid. (2019). Testing predictions of inclusive fitness theory in inbreeding relatives with biparental care Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286, 20191933
Wilson, S., A.C. Smith, and I. Naujokaitis-Lewis. (2018). Opposing response to drought shapes spatial population dynamics of declining grassland birds Diversity and Distributions 24, 1687-1698
Martin, T., L. Kehoe, C. Mantyka-Pringle, I. Chades, S. Wilson, R. Bloom, S. Davis, R. Fisher, K. Mehl, B. Prieto-Diaz, M. Wayland, T. Wellicome, K. Zimmer, and P.A. Smith. (2018). Prioritizing recovery funding to maximize conservation of endangered species Conservation Letters 11, e12604
Wilson, S., J.F. Saracco, R. Krikun, D.T. Flockhart, C.M. Godwin, and K. Foster. (2018). Drivers of demographic decline across the annual cycle of a threatened migratory bird Scientific Reports 8, 7316
Wilson, S., A.E. McKellar, M.W. Reudink, P.P. Marra, and L.M. Ratcliffe. (2017). Density-dependent immigration promotes population stability in a long-distance migratory bird Population Ecology 59, 169-178
Martin, K., S. Wilson, E.C. MacDonald, A.F. Camfield, M. Martin, and S.A. Trefry. (2017). Effects of severe weather on reproduction for sympatric songbirds in an alpine environment: interactions of climate extremes influence nesting success Auk 134, 697-709
Wilson, S., G.W. Mitchell, J. Pasher, M. McGovern, M.R. Hudson, and L. Fahrig. (2017). Influence of crop type, heterogeneity and woody structure on avian biodiversity in agricultural landscapes Ecological Indicators 83, 218-226
Farrell, C.E., S. Wilson, and G. Mitchell. (2017). Assessing the relative use of clearcuts, burned sites and wetlands as habitat for declining aerial insectivores in the boreal forest Forest Ecology and Management 386, 62-67
Visty, H., S. Wilson, R. Germain, J. Krippel, and P. Arcese. (2017). Demography of Sooty Fox Sparrows (Passerella iliaca unalaschcensis) following a shift from a migratory to resident life history Canadian Journal of Zoology 96, 436-440